A FIREFIGHTER KILLED himself while on duty in West Midlands, at Wolverhampton Fire Station, where he had been on duty on the night shift.

A FIREFIGHTER KILLED himself while on duty in West Midlands, at Wolverhampton Fire Station, where he had been on duty on the night shift.
Andrew Moore, 50, was found dead at Wolverhampton Fire Station, where he had been on duty on the night shift.
A statement from West Midlands Fire Service said: “We are extremely saddened by the death of one of our firefighters on the evening of Sunday 16 February 2020.
“Firefighter Andrew Moore, aged 50, was found dead at Wolverhampton fire station where he had been on duty on the night shift with colleagues from Red Watch. He had taken his own life.”
A firefighter has killed himself at Wolverhampton Fire StationA firefighter has killed himself at Wolverhampton Fire Station.Chief fire officer Phil Loach said: “Andrew’s death has come as a great shock to the entire service. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with his family, friends and colleagues.
“One of our senior officers informed Andrew’s family of his death. We will continue to provide them with all the support they need at this very difficult time.”
Members of West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority (WMFRA) observed a minute’s silence in memory of Moore on Monday morning.
Tributes poured in on the West Midlands Fire Service Facebook page.
Luke Handley posted: “Devasted by this… Thoughts go to his family, and the watch and service….Be there for each other through this tough time! I’ll never forget the butt kicking he gave me over Cannock Chase or the time he gave me the eye when we had left our race numbers in the car at HPP….then followed by encouragement when he lapped me! #rideandracefreeandy.”
Councillor Greg Brackenridge, chair of WMFRA, said: “Our thoughts are very much with Andrew’s family. I know that his death has affected many people, within and outside of the service. We will ensure that we do all we can for those who need support.”
Moore joined North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in September 1993 and transferred to West Midlands Fire Service in May 1996. yahoo

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